Property Management Blog

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Why Should Property Owners Work with a Property Management Service in 2023?
Property Management Blog What are the benefits of working with a property management service?Property management services have become a commonly used business model by property owners. Property owners can use the rent profit to take care of things around the house and pay for expenses. It has many benefits, like finding good tenants in a short time, keeping maint...

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Owners Should Lease Properties in the Current Market
Property Management Blog Why Property Owners Should Lease Properties in the Current Florida Real Estate Market.Having a property manager deal with the day-to-day duties of your rental properties is something that many property owners need to do. Several reasons stand for this, including that owning properties can often be time-consuming and costly if you want to ...

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Property Management with Pets: Tenant Laws Regarding Pets
Property Management Blog What should property owners know about tenant-pet laws?Pets are one of the greatest gifts we can receive. We welcome them into our homes, and in return, they give us love, affection, and so much more!Whether you have new tenants moving into your property with a pet or have tenants with furry friends already living in your property, there ...

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

What Are the Duties of a Condo Property Manager
Property Management Blog A Rundown of the Functions of a Condo Property ManagerCondominium property management poses unique challenges. For one, responsibility is relative. Individual unit owners are responsible for maintenance and repairs within their condos. The management of common areas falls under the responsibility of the condominium owner's association...

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

How do Property Management Companies Handle Repair Needs?
Property Management Blog How do property managers manage repairs? Property management companies deal with a lot of day-to-day operations for the properties they care for. Perhaps the most important for investor/owner/tenant relations is taking care of needed repairs. These can range from small repairs like a broken smoke detector to large issues such as...

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

How Tourtelot Deals with Nightmare Tenants
Property Management Blog Nightmare tenants can be a hassle for landlords to deal with. Here's how Tourtelot Property Management will handle tenants for you. Every landlord has been forced to deal with nightmare tenants and it's always a frustrating situation. Tourtelot Property Management has certainly had its fair share of difficult tenants to ...

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Why Property Management is Important to Landlords and Investors
Property Management Blog Property management services are vital to ensure your properties and tenants are taken care of. Owning or investing in a piece of property is a great way to make money, but there's a lot of in and outs involved that you may not be ready for. It's always best to turn over your property to the professionals and let them run eve...

Friday, September 9, 2022

How Tourtelot Helps Investors Find the Best Properties
Investing in Real Estate—How to Find Best Investment Properties Are you looking to purchase a residential investment property?Buying real estate can be an incredibly lucrative investment. Perhaps the biggest benefit is that rental properties are a great way for people to make a passive income. And not only is making your money work ...

Friday, August 19, 2022

Buy Your Property Instead of Selling It in The Current MarketĀ 
Why You Should Buy Your Rental Property Instead of Selling ItInflation and gas prices might be on the rise, but it's still important to think about investing in your future. That investment can take many forms, but the one we recommend is purchasing a rental property. But why buy an income property when it seems like the perfect ...

Friday, August 19, 2022

How to Find Good Tenants for Rental Properties
Property Management Blog How to Find Good Tenants: A Guide to Screening CriteriaDream tenants are hard to come by – they pay their rent on time, are good neighbors, follow the rules, and look after the rental property as if it were their own. Such tenants even have a positive impact on property management costs as they're more likely to report need...

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